Every donation creates opportunities to help our youth who live in academically and economically underserved communities develop and expand the tools they need for success. Each monetary gift helps increase the economic opportunities for our paid interns.

Presidential Level


Helps maintain the technological expertise of the newsroom and its coaching staff.

V.I.P. Level


Seeds our production fund that trains youth and alumni in the completion of our quarterly documentary series.

Superstar Level


Funds a month publication of our student-produced print newspaper, the Chicago Leader.

Influencer Level


Offers our youth with the resources to create their own TV show or short film.

Entertainer Level


Provides opportunities that allow our youth to become civically engaged with the community and beyond.

Ally Level


Supplies our youth with media equipment: cameras, lighting, microphones, etc.

Friend Level


Supports trips for our youth interns to learn about the rich history of journalism, broadcasting, and their local community.

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