The News School 2023 Chicago Leadership Awards Fundraising Banquet is our way to not only honor the youth in our program and those who help uplift the community but also to bring awareness of why our program is important.
Reasons Why Programs Like Ours Is Important
West Side Chicago communities face many issues, such as high poverty rates, unemployment, mental illness, illiteracy, violence, and incarceration. Poor quality education and lack of job opportunities contribute to the high rate of domestic and gang violence and the disintegration of families.
Youth of The News School
Most of the youth TNS serves come from underperforming schools that do not adequately prepare them for college or the workforce.Many face family challenges such as poverty, unstable housing, family violence, mental health issues, addiction, divorce, and incarceration. This, together with the prevalence of systemic racism and racial violence, put enormous stress on our young people.
Since 2016, The News School has offered after-school and summer jobs to youth ages 16 to 24 with the opportunity to improve reading, writing, and critical thinking skills through group instruction, one-on-one mentorship, and project-based team building. They learn skills to go on to work as professional journalists, photojournalists, documentary filmmakers, broadcast journalists, and social media marketers.
Our Focus
TNS focuses on providing high school and college youth with print and broadcast media internships, emphasizing civic journalism. In other words, community building through information technology is our central objective. Our quest is to attack this disparity head-on, focusing on reading and writing to ensure these youth have the skills necessary to seek future employment in journalism, broadcast media, or any related communication professional fields.
Community Effort
Every young person deserves the opportunity to develop and share their God-given potential. The News School (TNS) at St. Agatha Church in North Lawndale recognizes the creative potential in every young person to effect positive change in their own lives and the life of their community.
The News School’s investment in our youth doesn’t stop when they graduate from the program. We accompany them as they continue their education and find fulfilling employment.
Underserved does not mean un-deserving!
Uplifting the community and our youth is a tremendous battle that cannot be done alone. For this reason we feel it is important to acknowledge the hardwork and dedication of those amongst us making a difference. Together we can create a better future for our community, our youth, and ourselves.
For our first ever Chicago Leadership Awards Fundraising Banquet we will be honoring some people and organizations who have dedicated themselves to uplifting the lives of their communities.
- Mayor Brandon Johnson & Family
- Senator Lakesia Collins
- 12th Ward Alderwoman Julia Ramirez
- Tina Sanders, CEO of Phalanx Family Services
- Congressman Danny Davis
- Speaker of the House Emanual “Chris” Welch
- State Rep. La Shawn Ford
- 1st District Cook County Commissioner Tara Stamps
- Sankofa Safe Child Initiative
- The Support Group
Additionally, we will be acknowledging many other groups, organizations, youth, and individuals who have strived to create a better community for us all.
When: November 17, 2023, 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Sinai Institute located at 2653 W Ogden Ave, Chicago, IL 60608
Why Do We Need Your Help:
The News School wants to offer personal and professional growth opportunities to each young person who crosses the threshold of our Winslow Redmond Technology Center at St. Agatha Church in North Lawndale. As this is a team effort with our staff and program partners, we need you and your organization’s support and generosity to meet our goals in helping our youth to reach theirs.
- Donate Today. Every donation creates opportunities to help our youth who live in academically and economically underserved communities develop and expand the tools they need for success. Each monetary gift helps increase the economic opportunities for our paid interns.
Sponsor the 2023 Chicago Leadership Awards Fundraising Banquet. You can help do this by donating your services, supplying items to help our Awards Banquet be successful, or making a donation to assist us in our goals..