The News School offers employment all year round and summer recruitment opportunities. Interns are able to participate in all the programs we offer. The youth will start out in the Journalism program. However, they will learn the importance of all the other programs and how they can tie them all together. In fact, we believe the youth are our future, as such we feel they need to be equipped with many skills.

This is why they are trained in all the areas of our company. Those who continue to work with us will be able to further hone in their preferred skill. Our hands on experience has them deeply emersed in everything media, ultimately boosting them towards a brighter future.

Programs The News School Offers


In the Journalism program, youth will learn ethics to becoming a great journalist. They will also learn how to conduct an interview, write a script, print media, graphic design, and content management.

Media Broadcasting

In this program, youth will learn about broadcasting, podcast, camera and light set up, video and audio editing, producing, audio composition, anchoring, live streaming, booking, creating skits, directing, how to use the teleprompter, and setting up the equipment.

Social Media

In the Social Media program, youth will learn about content creation, networking, social advocacy, and blogging.

Projects With the Youth

Participants also assist in our CAP Stone project every year. They also help with our yearly fundraiser event and our documentary. 

Each project is done with youth participation. They take turns handling the equipment, being the director, content for the teleprompter, and what is placed into the print paper.

Come Work For Us

To work for us year round, just fill out application:
To work in summer 2024, just fill out application: