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How real people said about Education WordPress Theme.

By Mathew Channer
Well! It was really challenging, mostly because it required more sitting down and staring at a computer than I have ever done in my life!
Otherwise it was a very good experience with a challenging learning curve. I found the online class instruction very good because it only gave us enough information to get us started on article submission, SEO principals and the theory behind how to hit the right target audience.
The actual writing was left to the student, allowing him/her to make mistakes, try things out and learn whilst writing about things that interested them.
Editor feedback was really good and the editors were friendly enough that they weren’t intimidating when I made a mistake and had to correct something.
Overall a really great experience and I am really glad I was lucky enough to do it!
By Mathew Channer
P.S. I discovered it online through the Craigslist website.

Meleika Gardner
The Guardian Liberty Voice was an experience that changed my life. A friend of mine had referred me to the online publication because he saw how much passion I had for writing. He asked if I had thought about getting paid for my voice. The opportunity intrigued me, so I followed his instructions and signed up for their Writers Bootcamp. Though the program was pretty tough, requiring I submit numerous error-free articles within 24 hours, I received my certification and started gaining respect from my peers. My work started popping up on Google news, competing with other major publications such as Huffington Post. As I was exploring more ideas, I needed more revenue coming in. The mentors at Guardian Liberty Voice, who had their own blogs, inspired me to start my blog The Leik. From The Leik, a live podcast has been born on Blog Talk Radio that I produce every Monday night called the 30+ WTF Show. The Guardian Liberty Voice was a wealth of knowledge that was life changing!
Thank you for your time, Mr. Chandler. I look forward to coming back on board with the Guardian Liberty Voice as an editor and/or trainer.
Meleika Gardner

Matthew Austin Bowers
I really enjoyed this program. i learned more about journalism in these two weeks than I did in four years of college. I definitely got better as a writer, which is always good. The challenge was rough, but well worth it in the end.
I found out about GLV via Craigslist while looking for other writing jobs.
Matthew Austin Bowers

Clara Goode
I found out about GLV via Craigslist. I was surprised when it turned out to be such a legitimate operation. I have been pleased with the experience. I feel like I have learned a lot and am being given a very good opportunity. The bootcamp was hard, but not unnecessarily so, and the amount of time and effort invested by the instructors was impressive. I was never afraid to ask a question or to e-mail for help no matter what it was about.
I did experience some frustration at a couple of points over how long it took to get certain article edited and published. This only happened a couple of times though. Overall the experience has been very positive and I look forward to continuing to work with you.
~ Clara Goode

Brett Stewart
My experience in the bootcamp was overwhelmingly positive. I enjoyed the night class since it was so small and hands on. I was able to frequently interact with Jim and gain a better understanding of the content and both Jim and Carl were excellent instructors. I quickly understood the basics for WordPress, photos, and article formatting as a result of my prior experience in many publications and websites and I took a great deal of time to fully interact with and understand Google Analytics and the other tools at our disposal. (Hootsuite, social networking, etc.) As a college student, I would love to see the program become accredited. It certainly is just as rigorous as a college course and as a student, I would love to retroactively receive credit for it at some point. Regardless, the class was a wonderful experience and I look forward to longevity with GLV.
Brett Stewart
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