The News School: A Testimonial
The News School is a program for youth that teaches them to write and trains them to be journalists.
People who participate in The News School’s program will earn $200 a week, however, they must do the work assigned. Since the program is a boot-camp-style class, the work can be difficult. It does get increasingly harder as time progresses.
Although participants do get paid for the work they do, The News School offers so much more than simply a job. They are offering a very rare opportunity to enrich youth, give them knowledge, and opportunities they would not get elsewhere.
Most people, who take the class, do not take it seriously. They end up failing to do the work or even show up to class. The students fail to understand that what they learn in The News School is something they will be able to carry with them the rest of their lives.
The News School is special because it is different from a normal class. When students begin, they are placed in the News Room, where writers go to write their stories for magazines, websites, etc. Each student is given a laptop and headphones, and are instructed to bring pen and paper. Then the learning begins.
The professor has Greek and Latin prefixes and suffixes to teach the students. He goes through the ones they will be tested on and makes it easy and fun for them to learn. He does this by using a short story or word to help them understand.
The News School gives tests to the students on the terms and definitions of other things they were taught throughout the class. These terms are given to broaden student’s vocabulary and make them stronger readers.
After he goes through the words, the real work begins at The News School. The professor gives each student a topic to write about and has them create it on an online newspaper, called The Public Slate.
There, they can write their articles, and submit them to be reviewed. If the stories need to be, they are sent back. Ultimately, they will be published.
There are two people who edit the student’s articles. They are women who help the professor run The News School. However, they are not in the same room. In fact, they are not even in the same state!
These ladies take their time to be in a computer-based conference call with students in The News School. They are there to help with anything the students may need. They personally help individual students and make sure that they understand the work given to them. Their efforts are greatly appreciated by students.
The women who edit and publish the work at The News School leave comments about the article before it is published to tell students what should be changed and how they can improve their work. In no way do they bash students or criticize the work. Instead, they encourage them and highlight the good aspects of what was written.
There are many facets of The News School that are similar to that of a regular school, yet it is different. For example, field trips will be taken just like that of a traditional school. However, students will be going for the purpose of interviewing people and gathering information to write articles.
If a student passes The News School’s class, they will be given press credentials and become a certified Cub Reporter. If they pass with a 90 percent or higher, they will be given a job opportunity.
Everyone in The News School is working to make sure each student reaches their potential. They are willing to stay after the class is over and give students extra help, if necessary.
Being in The News School program is a great thing because students get to learn things that will actually help them in school. Not only that, but once in a lifetime opportunities are provided. To top it all, students will get paid for their work.
Opinion by Trinity Oglesby
Edited by Cathy Milne
Image Courtesy of Gricelda Chandler – Used With Permission